Truebeck Participates in Scene Local 2019


What do you get when you mix a top-tier contactor, a famous architect firm, and modern art together?

You get something like Scene Local, an event that brings together teams of contractors and architects to create a small space—roughly 150 square feet—that accentuates the theme “play.” On October 16th and 17th, Truebeck showcased the space it created with RMW Architects.

Truebeck’s Uber team got involved with the project because the event itself raised funds for Kidpower, an organization dedicated to empowering children to overcome bullying, prejudice, and harassment. That was in part why the theme of the event was “play.”

Taking the theme of play, Truebeck and RMW divided the space into two sections. One side a lush green room with a dark atmosphere to create a quite space, the other was a bright white room with colored lights.

“I wanted to think about how adults play, and how we are bombarded everyday by our tv screens and our phones,” said Jenna Szczech, Senior Designer for RMW Architects. “How do you go from secluded solitude to getting ready to dance it out? There are two sides to adult play and the experience is the most important part.”

One of the coolest features of the project was a wall of headphones where guests could listen to calming music in one room and then switch it to dance music in the other.

“It turned out pretty amazing and came together quickly. There was a real thought to flow through the space. RMW absolutely nailed it,” said David Steenson Senior, Project Manager with Truebeck.

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