Truebeck Helps Friends of the Children in Their Fight Against Generational Poverty


When Truebeck’s Team for Tomorrow began looking for opportunities to serve in the Portland area, one charity stood out: Friends of the Children.

Friends of the Children is a local non-profit focused on breaking the cycle of generational poverty. They do this by pairing a child with a mentor who will be with them for 12 years, from Kindergarten through High School.

The results are tremendous with 92 percent of youth going on to enroll in post-secondary education, serving in the armed forces, or joining the workforce. 95 percent of youth remain free from juvenile justice system involvement and 83 percent earn a High School diploma or GED.

Truebeck has six philanthropic core initiatives: workforce training, health, education, youth, the environment, and the military. Partnering with Friends of the Children is a natural alignment of missions, as the focus is on the youth and their healthy development. Truebeck hosted a fundraiser garnering over $5,000 for the non-profit. We also hosted a holiday gift drive and the children were able to “shop” in an auditorium for toys and gifts.

Most recently, Truebeck’s team co-sponsored and participated in a walk for Friends of the Children. The program, called Steps for Change, was the first of its kind. The goal was to raise $5,000 and our team helped with the final $7,275 that was raised.

Friends of the Children has already done incredible work for the Portland community, and Truebeck could not be more pleased to work alongside them and support their cause. We look forward to even more opportunities to assist in the future!

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