Meaningful Mustaches


On Wednesday night, we held our Third Annual Movember Awards to honor the most manly and magnificent mustaches at Truebeck. The night was a culmination of a month long fundraiser for The Movember Foundation, with over 40 Truebeck employees and clients growing mustaches in support of men’s health.

Together, we raised $27,178 – breaking the Top 20 national leaderboard! A tremendous accomplishment! To support the men who participated in this movement and to help the cause, Truebeck matched our funds 2:1 on Wednesday, totaling $12,624. The money goes to funding three of the biggest health issues faced by men: prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental health/suicide prevention. Let us all remember why we partake in this month of funny facial hair – to help fund groundbreaking programs all over the world for men’s health.

We had over 70 attendees celebrating the incredible success of our fundraising campaign, and vying for a coveted mustache award. Congratulations to this year’s winners!

The Walter Cronkite – Most Trustworthy

The Ned Flanders – Mr. Nice Guy

The Alex Trebek – One with all the answers

The Teddy Roosevelt – Manliest

The Gosling – Ladies Favorite

The Brad Pitt – Handsome Ruined

The Pancho Villa – Most Untrustworthy

The Adam Morrison – Good Try: Back to Back Champion!

The Tom Selleck – Most Handsome

The Ron Burgundy – Most Creepy

The Clark Gable – Most Polite

The Hulk Hogan – Most Testosterone: Back to Back Champion!

The Monopoly Man – Most Money Raised

The Ron Swanson – People’s Choice

We hope to see everyone back next year!

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