Truebeck Attends Healthcare Summit


This week, Truebeck attended the annual American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) Planning, Design & Construction Summit in San Diego. More than 3,000 people attended this year’s PDC Summit, which focused on health care’s Triple Aim: better population health, improved patient experiences, and lower costs. The PDC Summit offers cutting-edge topics affecting the future of the health care built environment and presents thought-provoking research and presentations focusing on cross-team collaboration, PDC sustainability, designing for future generations, and technology integration.

The event was an opportunity to network with healthcare industry professionals, including hospital administrators, architects, interior designers, construction professionals, and health care facility management. Truebeck promoted our healthcare experience at a booth in the Exhibit Hall and hosted a private happy hour for our contacts in the healthcare sector.

Dan Amigone had this to say:

“Truebeck had a great experience at ASHE.  We all got a chance to meet new people in the world of Healthcare Planning, Design and Construction. There was a good mix of clients, design professionals and vendors. We got the word out that Truebeck has a strong pool of talented healthcare professionals. It was great to see what is going on in the industry, both locally and nationally.”

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